Cocozhi DXN
Ganoderma + Cocoa Powder

The perfect drink for the whole Family

Cocozhi is a cocoa drink and GANODERMA extract, cocoa is a nutrient-rich seed, capable of balancing our daily diet because it contains carbohydrates and provides for the main energy source of our body:
  • PROTEINS (stimulates the growth of tissues and muscles, improving the overall balance of the body).
  • MINERALS (improves immunity and regeneration of any organ)
  • FAT VITAMINS (Cocoa fat is a natural fat with high content of 38.2% oleic acid; unsaturated fat that helps control cholesterol level). It helps the production of hormones, enzymes, hemoglobin and antibodies, as well as brain oxygenation making it an excellent food.
This product is very good for the qualities of GANODERMA and as a nutritious drink for children, adults, older adults and people with poor nutrition.
  • Strengthen the defenses.
  • Stimulates the growth of body tissues and muscles.
  • It controls the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • It helps in the production of: hormones, enzymes, hemoglobin, antibodies and cerebral oxygenation.
  • It provides energy.
  • Eliminate free radicals.
  • Fight constipation.
  • Fight allergies of all kinds
  • It is anticaries and antioxidant.
  • Natural deworming
Improve your health in a pleasant way
If you drink coffee, it is recommended to change a product without Caffeine, such as Vita Café or Café Lingzhi, but if on the contrary you do not drink or do not like Coffee, I congratulate you, we have something in common, the option that now I give is to try the delicious Chocolate Cocozhi. The decision to meet and try it is entirely yours.
It is curious to see how we spend money without thinking about it when it comes to superficial products that make us have a better external appearance temporarily or give us social status, but when it comes to helping our lifelong partner, this wonderful organism that takes us Throughout the world for so many decades, we come to think twice and even leave it for another day that in some cases, will no longer come.

Preparation: Empty an envelope of Cocozhi in a cup, add 6 or 8 ounces of hot water while dissolving it.
Important Data:
Cocoa beans have the largest arsenal of minerals in the world. It is the largest natural source of magnesium, chromium, and is very likely to be the largest natural source of iron, as well as manganese. It is one of the foods with the highest zinc content and the highest copper content. All the necessary co-factors for a healthy metabolism are found in the cocoa bean. It is one of the foods with the highest vitamin C content in the world, but all processed chocolate has no vitamin C because heat destroys it. It has the highest antioxidant content, antioxidants protect us against DNA damage, viral damage, cancer, protect us from skin damage, etc.
Don't you think your body deserves it?
Don't leave it for tomorrow, the time is today! Maybe later it will be too late.
Ideal for all ages and genders, they can take it from pregnant women, children, young people, adolescents, adults, the elderly, and all social status, since it is within reach of the pockets of Everyone in general, you try and you will not regret it.
It is the best combination in terms of taste and efficacy of the product.
It will balance and detoxify you, 100%, apart from all the other benefits you will receive.

What are you waiting for? 

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  1. se toma los dos sobres ingzhi y cocozhi los dos juntos o separado
