DXN Factory in Telangana - India will start operating in 2020

The multi-million dollar manufacturing plant in Telangana, India, will begin operations in 2020. The announcement of the start was made after a work visit by the Honorable S. Niranjan Reddy.
Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperation, Marketing, Food and Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs of Telegana, India and delegates to the DXN Ganoderma farm and factory in Jitra, Kedah.
The facility that is scheduled to be completed in 2020 is expected to generate around 1,000 to 1,500 job opportunities, especially for the people of Telangana, a state located in the southern part of India that is the seventh state in India with the highest income.
With a population of 40 million and Hyderabad serves as its capital.

DXN, through its subsidiary in India, DXN Manufacturing India Pte Ltd, has invested a sum of USD 25 million to purchase 50 acres of land in Siddipet, Hyderabad to facilitate its 270,000 square foot cosmetics and coffee production facilities. The facility is said to be twice the size of its existing Ganoderma facility in Jitra, Kedah, which is already considered one of the largest Ganoderma farms in Southeast Asia.
DXN is already in talks with the Indian government to acquire another 50 acres of land for the expansion of its spirulina and mushroom production. Currently, DXN has several manufacturing factories in China, Mexico, Indonesia and India, which produce a wide range of products to meet the demand of its members and customers.
DXN is a direct selling company with more than 8 million registered distributors in more than 180 countries and 70 branches worldwide. Global Direct Sales News (DSN) has ranked DXN as the world's leading direct sales company for 2017 in the global direct sales ranking with total revenues of USD 1.10 billion.

If you wish you can visit: 2018 Ranking

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