Calcium: Bone Health now depends on Vegetables

Calcium: Bone Health now depends on Vegetables

Contrary to what we have been told for many years about calcium of animal origin, not taking dairy does not prevent good bone health. Calcium is an essential nutrient for strong teeth and bones, and we can find high amounts of it in many plant foods.
Of course, if you have chosen to follow a vegan diet or do not feel good dairy, in addition to having a long list of plant foods very rich in calcium, it is important to know how we can maximize the absorption of this essential nutrient.


Among many calcium-rich foods of plant origin, the following are notable:
  • Broccoli
  • Kale cabbage and kale
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Chickpeas
  • bean
  • Almonds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Spirulina
Now, of all these foods, the vegetables that are of the cruciferous family are the ones with the greatest bioavailability. And we are going to tell you why with an example:
100 grams of Spirulina Seaweed, contain a little more than 120 mg of calcium; instead, 100 grams of broccoli, contain a little less than 20 mg of calcium. However, since the absorbable fraction of calcium from broccoli is more than that of Spirulina, the amount of calcium you will absorb from 100 grams of Spirulina will be 6 times more than that of broccoli.
Not all calcium comes from dairy. There are very rich vegetable foods in this mineral, but the most important thing is to know how to maximize the absorption of this essential nutrient.


There are a few cares that we should take into account when eating the food just mentioned, since, providing calcium to our body is important, but it is also very essential that what we absorb is directed to the teeth and bones.
There are some substances that hinder calcium absorption.

1. Run away from calcium thieves

Phytates: these are substances that are present in some cereals, nuts and legumes. Its way of "sequestering" calcium is by binding to the molecule, creating an insoluble compound that we cannot absorb. This problem is solved by letting the food soak.
Oxalates: these are substances that also hinder calcium absorption; They are found in chard, spinach, beet and cocoa. I recommend that you look for calcium in other foods that do not contain oxalates.

2. Have good levels of vitamin D

The sun, among many other organic functions, is what gives us vitamin D and ensures that the calcium we absorb is directed to the bones and is not left in other tissues that do not interest us.

3. Take foods rich in vitamin K

This vitamin is a key micronutrient in bone metabolism. It is present especially in green leaves and cruciferous.

4. Beware of salt

Especially the refined one or with the one that comes from processed products, since a high sodium intake causes an increase in the elimination of calcium through the urine.

5. Perform physical exercise

It is essential to move and play sports, since in this way you favor that calcium is deposited in the bones properly. It is shown that those who exercise regularly (mainly strength exercises) have a higher bone density compared to sedentary people.
In a nutshell there is a single vegetable that has calcium at its best in addition to containing many vitamins, minerals, nutrients, omegas, etc. and is the Spirulina Algae considered by the WHO as "THE FOOD OF THE FUTURE" and these are some nutrients that Spirulina has a part of Calcium:
Spirulina is the richest food in PROTEINS of quality: between 50% and 70% when the meat contains 18% to 22%, or soybeans with 30%.
Highly digestible with a digestibility coefficient of 94.7% and is digested 4 to 5 times faster than animal protein, as it is not fibrous.
They are high quality proteins because they do not contain what the meat does contain: cholesterol, saturated fats, antibiotic residues, pesticides and synthetic hormones in their diet.
They contain cyanocobalamin and vitamin B12 (5 times more than raw beef liver)
Vitamin E agent against natural aging and atherosclerosis
Spirulina is the richest natural food in vitamin F (Gama-linolenic acid).
Anti-Aging (Linoleic Acids and Alpha Linoleic Acids): Protects the skin and mucous membranes against free radicals without creating hypervitaminosis.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids are the obligatory precursors of prostaglandins, hormonal substances that regulate the aggregation of platelets in the blood, reduce hypertension or have an anti-inflammatory and regulatory effect of the immune system.
Gama-Linolenic Acid (AGL) is synthesized with more difficulty from the age of 35, which reduces the synthesis of Prostaglandin E l (PGE 1) of which it is its precursor. The direct consequence is to have a higher probability of presenting thrombosis and more frequent inflammatory states.
Provitamin A (Beta Carotene) Spirulina is one of the richest foods in Beta Carotene, 15 times more than carrots.
Spirulina is the richest food in Chlorophyll, 5 to 30 times more than alfalfa. Chlorophyll has a structure similar to blood hemoglobin, in which it is transformed by the presence of iron, thus being used as an antianemic. Chlorophyll is also a natural antiseptic and stimulator of intestinal peristalsis and is therefore useful in cases of constipation.
Spirulina is the only food that contains Ficocianina, a marine blue pigment that is associated with bilirubin to regulate the functioning of the liver. It is also a potent immune system stimulator.
Spirulina contains very special sulpholipids. The action of these compounds in vitro against the HIV virus of AIDS has been demonstrated.
Spirulina is the richest natural food in Hierro, with 10 times more than spinach. It is also an organic iron, that is, combined with a protein (ferrodoxin), which makes it highly assimilable by the body. Iron is a necessary mineral for red blood cells, muscles and the immune system. Many times iron is not absorbed well in the intestine. Studies have shown that spirulina iron, in the form of ferrodoxin, is adsorbed 60% more with respect to pharmaceutical compounds rich in iron and without adverse effects.
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