This scented coffee is a wise mix of six ingredients that gives a very pleasant herb-flavored drink that can be drunk, hot, at all hours of the day. The envelope contains 1 to 2 cups of coffee according to taste.
Drinking Vita Café means introducing into the body an important source of energy that allows us to carry out all our activities without noticing fatigue. It also allows us to face mental fatigue more easily, so it is very suitable for all people who study or develop important mental work.
The consumption of Vita Café also allows us to work the shape of our body since it tones the muscles and the skin helping us to take our natural form, melting that fat that is deposited in the least opportune places.
Its Ginseng content (sixteen different types of Ginosenoids) provides carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals, amino acids, cellulose and fatty acids. Its use restores health, reduces fatigue and mental fatigue and is used and recognized for thousands of years in medicine.
Tongkat ali is a plant that increases testosterone, increases muscle size, and reduces body fat. It helps sexual potency in men and is a hormonal regulator in women. Its scientific name is Euricoma Longifolia Jack.
Ganoderma is our wonderful mushroom that is called the "King of herbs" but its scientific name is Ganoderma Lucidum. This wonder of nature helps purify the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

It is antitoxin, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-viral, regulator of blood and vascular pressure, reduces cholesterol, is a sugar moderator, immune activator, kidney tonic, liver, nerves, airways, relaxes muscles and reduces stress.
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